




  1. Support the vision, goals, values of 正规的棋牌平台排行榜. 
  2. 协助网络编辑创建符合SPS规则的数字内容, 标准, 以及法律要求. 
  3. 支持以用户为中心的SPS网站.

The 网络site Stewardship and Standards 应用 to the SPS public district website (7sew.sheet-china.net), all ‘official’ school websites, SPS 工作人员 website (mysps.sheet-china.net). 它排除了 the student information system (the Source), learning management systems (Schoology, 跷跷板), school-based and district EdTech systems (ex: Clever),  社交媒体渠道, 等.


The prioritized audiences for the public district websites (district and schools) are 家庭 and students. 这些网站上的所有内容都是根据他们的需求创建和维护的. Staff-only resources should be published on MySPS or other 工作人员 digital platforms such as SharePoint.

Each department or school is responsible for selecting and managing at least one web editor to maintain its web content.

All web content (PDFs, images, page text, 等.) must be compliant with W3C 可访问性 标准.

Navigation and information architecture is focused on function and process as it relates to web readers not the organizational chart or internal process.

所有网页和发表的文件必须至少每年审查一次. Outdated content must be updated or removed. 如果页面内容是过时的,没有一个审查的内容, the 网络服务团队 can remove and simplify the content.

All public web content is always available. 搜索 engines such as Google or Bing will direct web readers to webpages or documents based on the search terms they may use. 网络 editors should be mindful to remove outdated content including PDFs and that their webpage is a representative of the district.



Each department or school is responsible for selecting and managing at least one web editor to maintain its web content. All principals and department managers are responsible to ensure that web editors who have access to their school website or department webpage follow the SPS 网络site Guidelines and 内容标准. 阅读更多 about the process to become a web editor.

通信: When a school or department reaches out to the web team for help with getting a 工作人员 member editing access, the web team will share the following link which includes the procedure for getting web editing access

网络管理: The SPS web services team enforces the content 标准 described in the 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 网络site Stewardship and Standards. 如果web团队识别出不符合内容标准的页面, 他们将作出补救或联系学校/部门,并要求他们做出改变.  


If an editor continues to ignore the web teams recommendations, the web team has the authority to remove that editor’s access. 

基本原理: Everyone receives the same training and guidance because SPS致力于提供一致和可预测的操作. 

公共卫生服务网站是该区的主要沟通渠道. It is important that the sites and pages have a consistent structure and 标准 to help 家庭 find the information they need quickly. 



了解你的受众 网络编辑最重要的任务之一就是为你的读者写作. 公共地区网站和学校网站的主要受众是家庭和学生. MySPS的受众是员工.  

设身处地为他们想想. When creating and editing content for SPS websites, focus on what your primary audience wants to know. To help you do this, ask these questions: 

  • 谁是我的听众? 
  • What do they already know about this topic? 
  • 他们需要知道什么? 
  • 他们会有什么问题呢? 

Address separate audiences separately. If content is specific for 工作人员 to perform their job duties, 在MySPS和通过员工沟通渠道发布该内容. If one webpage attempts to address all audiences, 读者很难找到适合自己的信息. 

向你的听众讲话. Consider the person reading the webpage. 尽管这些信息可能会影响一大群人或整个社区, 当一个人在阅读网页时,你是在一次和一个人说话. When your content reflects this, it will be more effective. The pronoun ‘you’ can help you address your reader. Instead of “Copies of the birth certificate must be provided;” say “You must submit copies of your student’s birth certificate.”  

中性的代词; avoid ‘he’ or ‘she.使用性别包容的语言. ‘They’ or ‘them’ can be used as a singular pronoun for web content. 在SPS网页上编写和更新内容时,设想您的受众是至关重要的. Ask yourself, would your reader feel respected? 

For ex: “Read with your child daily; ask them questions about the story.” Or “If a 工作人员 member is assigned to a bus, they will be responsible for …” Be sure the phrasing does not imply more than one person when discussing the singular.  

基本原理正规的棋牌平台排行榜努力为所有学生提供一个温馨的环境, 家庭, 工作人员, 和社区. 网络上的包容性写作是我们让每个人都受欢迎和安全的一种方式.  

学生 and 家庭 have shared the need to have consistent placement of contact information and resource links. 网络 editors should use the right side column to add this content.

联系信息标准 向卫生服务网页添加联络资料时,应采用以下格式: 


电子邮件地址:整个电子邮件地址应该是可见的用户,它应该是一个活跃的超链接. 例如 webmaster@sheet-china.net insert the email address in text like this: 电子邮件管理员.  

电话号码: 电话 numbers should be written in the format: xxx-xxx-xxxx. Do not add parentheses around the area code.  


链接文本 should be a descriptive call to action. It should let the person know w在这里 they are going and/or what type of information or resources they will find at that location. See 链接 standard for more information about link text. 

何时在新选项卡中打开:链接到另一个网站或PDF文件应在一个新的选项卡中打开. 链接到同一网站的另一页应该在同一标签打开. 

经常检查你的工作: After editing a page, it is important to always check your work. View the live page to review the content and click on any new links that were created to ensure they are working as expected. 

基本原理: Some users may not have their device set up to automatically open their email app after clicking on an email link. So, it is important that the full email address is displayed on the webpage so users can see it and manually type the email address into their email app, 如果需要. 

People that use screen readers can use a keyboard shortcut to scan through a page and find all the links on a page. Each link needs to have unique and descriptive link text so that the user knows w在这里 each link will take them. Also, users do not need to be told to click on a link. 

SPS致力于提供一致和可预测的操作. Checking our work to ensure we only share working links and high-quality content with students/家庭 helps fulfill that commitment. 


标题是一个网页的关键. 适当结构的标题和有意义的关键词支持可访问性, 促进搜索引擎优化, help readers scan quickly find the answer to their question.

  • 使用标题而不是全大写, 大胆的或下划线(这些都不是屏幕阅读软件用来强调内容的). 
  • 标题 are for headings only and should not be used to format other types of content to simply make it larger than standard paragraph text. 
  • 标题遵循适当的层次结构. 见下文.

层次结构: 标题应该用来区分网页或文档的不同部分.

The following hierarchy should be followed: 

  1. Heading 1 (H1): the title of the webpage or document. 应该只使用一次吗. 当创建一个网页,这是自动完成的网络编辑器. Should be direct and use as few words as possible. 例:“图书馆”
  2. 标题2 (H2):提供额外的信息,并在H1的基础上扩展上下文. 应该只使用一次吗. Ex: “冉冉升起的新星 小学 Library”
  3. Heading 3 (H3): introduce sections on a page. All text introducing a section should use a heading format. All H3 relate directly to the overarching H2 for the page.
  4. 标题4 (H4):(可选)可以用来进一步分割一个部分. All H4 relate directly to the H3 above.

有意义的标题: 标题 should be specific and easy to understand. 标题 help improve search results, 所以你在标题中使用的词应该包含访问者可能搜索的词.


  • “学校用品清单” 
  • “Broadview-Thomson图书馆” 
  • 《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》 
  • “关于高级学习” 
  • “开学表格” 

A few examples of headings that are not helpful: 

  • “欢迎!(不够具体) 
  • “2021-22”(不够具体) 
  • “MORE INFORMATION” (not specific enough, never use all caps) 

基本原理标题创建适当的层次结构,以提高视觉和非视觉读者的可读性. 它们还可以帮助读者快速浏览页面,找到他们需要的信息. 使用适当的层次结构和有意义的标题也将提高可访问性和搜索结果. 

链接文字: should be a descriptive call to action. It should let the person know w在这里 they are going and/or what type of information or resources they will find at that location.


Link text should never be vague, for example: 

何时在新选项卡中打开:链接到另一个网站或PDF文件应在一个新的选项卡中打开. 链接到同一网站的另一页和电子邮件链接应该在同一标签打开. 

经常检查你的工作 在网页上创建新链接后,经常检查你的工作是很重要的. View the live page and then click on the new link that was created to ensure the link is working as expected. 

基本原理: People that use screen readers can use a keyboard shortcut to scan through a page and find all the links on a page. Each link needs to have unique and descriptive link text so that the user knows w在这里 each link will take them. Also, users do not need to be told to click on a link. 

SPS致力于提供一致和可预测的操作. Checking our work to ensure we only share working links and high-quality communications with students/家庭 helps fulfill that commitment.

Navigation and information architecture (IA) is focused on function and process as it relates to web readers, not the organizational chart or internal process.

The main navigation and IA on the public district website, MySPS, all school websites is managed by the SPS 网络服务团队. 关键资源页面, informed by web traffic user engagement data, within the current website should be prioritized. 主导航链接不应该链接到其他网站的页面.

SPS网络编辑应该接触到 webmaster@sheet-china.net for assistance or questions regarding the main navigation. 

基本原理SPS致力于提供一致和可预测的操作. 页面标题和主导航中的链接是由用户参与数据决定的, 用户反馈, 以及用户验收测试. 学生, 家庭, 工作人员 express frustration or confusion when primary navigation (main navigation) links direct them to pages on a different website. 

Placeholders and “Under Construction”

When a page is published and visible to site visitors, it should not be blank or have placeholder text like “Under Construction” or “More information coming soon.”  

如果内容没有最终确定,那么网页应该保持草稿模式,对网站访问者隐藏. 只有当有对网站访问者有用的信息时,才应该发布页面. 

If the web services team finds a blank page, it will be reverted to a draft and hidden from site visitors. 

理由是: SPS致力于提供一致和可预测的操作. 链接到没有任何有用信息的页面,并没有履行这一承诺. Families have limited time to find the information they need. 不要让他们的体验变得充满挑战和不愉快. 

Readability and Grade Level Standards

To make information as accessible as possible, SPS的目标是发布大约8年级阅读水平的内容. 阅读水平是由几个因素决定的,包括单词复杂度和句子长度.  

As you are drafting or revising web content, 找到更长的, multi-syllable words and replace with simpler terms. Break long sentences into smaller more direct statements. Avoid or explain educational jargon, 特定群体使用的表达方式,其他人可能很难理解.  

Use resources such as the spelling and grammar check in Word, 同义词典.comHemingwayapp.com语法.com

基本原理使信息易于理解是向所有卫生和服务受众提供信息的一个关键方面. Some webpages include information that is critical to help 家庭 and student make decisions about education. It is also better for those whose native language isn’t English those who may utilize automatic translation tools to translate the information into another language. 


冗长、密集的网页给访问者的信息设置了障碍. 带有多个短语和分句的长而复杂的句子会让人感到困惑和沮丧.  

Aim for paragraphs that are 70 words or less. 一个300-700字的网页对于大多数网页内容来说是很好的长度. 保持网页简洁直接. You can reduce word content by removing welcome-type messages. Most readers will ignore this as filler.  

Meaningful headlines with keywords will help readers scan a page to pick out the information they are looking for.  

Use bulleted lists as a way to break up dense content. 一定要从关键词开始,而不是重复的单词. 项目符号列表提供项目,但不暗示项目按特定顺序进行.  

Make webpages scannable by including: 

  • 带关键词的标题. 
  • Lists can help readers find items or points. 
  • 避免行话和专业术语.  
  • 编辑! 编辑! 编辑! Work to reduce word counts on webpages to 300-700 words. 

基本原理: 网络 user experience research shows us that readers scan webpages to find keywords that will help answer their question or understand the main point of the content. 网络 visitors do not read everything. 他们访问SPS网站以了解流程,查找到其他资源的链接,并回答问题. Concise content is easier to translate and ensure accessibility.


  • 网页和文件的标题和段落应该左对齐. 
  • Bulleted and numbered lists should always be left-aligned. 

基本原理: Left aligned text is easier to read because each new line starts in the same place along the left side of the page. 

Centered text can be very difficult for a reader’s eyes to track because each new line starts in a different place.